MeetingsBoard of Directors Howard Skinner - President email: [email protected] Home Phone: 209-742-5921 Shannon O'Brien - Secretary Lori Morgan- Treasurer Troy Newlon - Director Catherine Kulick- Director Regular Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:00 pm. Due to COVID-19 all meetings are online using the Zoom platform. Notices of meetings and access information are posted on the office bulletin board, on the Basin Kiosk at Harris Rd & Harris Cutoff , and the company Facebook page at least four days in advance. Access our Facebook page by clicking on the link below. Our next Board of Directors meeting will be a virtual Zoom Meeting at 6:00 pm June 12th,2024. Contact Alana at 209-742-6572 or email [email protected] for logon information.
On the Home Page all the minutes are attached
Meeting Minutes